Talk the Talk

Talk The Talk – Ramona Rusu

Najviše pažnje na driftu u Vršcu privukla je komšinica iz Rumunije, gospođica Ramona Rusu, koja je bila glavna zvezda na stazi i oko nje. Svako je hteo da se slika, nešto da je priupita ili samo da pogleda o kakvom mitskom biću je reč. Iskoristili smo pauzu između treninga i kvalifikacija da je i mi upitamo par stvari (bili smo fini, ne brinite)…
The biggest attention of the audience at drift in Vrsac was around our neighbor from Romania, Ms. Ramona Rusu, who was a star at the track and around it. Everyone wanted to take a picture, had something to ask her or just wanted to see what kind of mythical being is that girl. We used the break between the training and qualifications to ask a few questions of our own (we were nice, don’t worry)…
Bud3: Ramona, možeš li nam malo detaljije objasniti kako devojka kao što si ti pronađe svoje mesto u ovom muškom „cirkusu“?
RR: Oduvek sam volela automobile i sve što ide uz njih. Moji prvi koraci su bili su vezani za styling takmičenja u Rumuniji, gde sam svojim Ford Probe-om pokušala da izborim svoje mesto među dečacima. Na jednom styling takmičenju, paralelno su se održavale i drift trke. Drift mi se odmah dopao i želela sam da probam tu vrstu automobilske zabave.
Bud3: Ramona, can you please explain us how a girl like you finds a place in this circus of men and testosterone?
RR: I’ve always loved cars and everything that goes with them. My first steps were related to styling competitions in Romania where I tried to fight for my position among the boys with Ford Probe. At one styling competition, simultaneously there was a drift race. I was immediately attracted to drift and I wanted to try this type of automotive entertainment.

Bud3: Pretpostavljam da Probe nije bio prvi izbor vozila, verovatno bi bila prva osoba na ovoj planeti koja bi pokušala tako nešto?
RR: Naravno da nije, vozilo sa kojim sam probila led je bila Mazda MX-5. Ubrzo smo izvukli maksimum iz tog automobila i shvatila sam da je potrebno još dosta velikih investicija da bi automobil bio kokurentan na takmičenjima. Ali, Miata je svakako idealan auto za početnike i dosta sam naučila vozeći taj auto.
Bud3: I suppose Probe was not the first choice of vehicle, you would probably be the first person on this planet who would attempt such a thing?
RR: Of course not, the vehicle that I broke the ice with was the Mazda MX-5. We quickly got the most out of the car and I realized that we still need some major investments in the car if we want it to be a serious competitor. But the Miata is certainly the ideal car for beginners, and I learned a lot from driving that car.

Bud3: Sledeći korak je bio BMW koji je isped nas?
RR: Upravo tako, dosta takmičara je za znatno manju količinu novca konstruisalo konkurentije automobile, tako da nije bilo drugog izbora i prešli smo na BMW serije 3. Ubačen je V8 motor, ispunjeni su svi bezbednosni standardi i automobil je bio spreman.
Bud3: The next step was the BMW in front of us?
RR: That’s right, a lot of drivers constructed more powerful cars for much smaller amount of money, so there was no other choice and we went for the BMW 3 Series. V8 engine was inserted, we met all the safety standards and the car was ready.

Bud3: Kako se snalaziš na skromnoj stazi u Vršcu?
RR: Moj auto je podešen za znatno veće brzine i brže staze, tako da danas ne mogu da izvučem maksimum iz njega. Teško mi je da ga iskontrolišem i ne verujem da ću postići dobar rezultat. Ali to u ovom trenutku nije bitno, bitno je da se ljudi dobro provedu, da zaživi drift scena u Srbiji, a rezultati će doći vremenom.
Bud3: How do you find the modest track in Vrsac?
RR: My car is tuned for significantly faster speeds and faster track, so today I can’t get the maximum out of it. It is difficult to control it and I don’t believe I will do well today. But right now that doesn’t matter, it is important that people are having a good time, that drift scene in Serbia is being reborn and the results will come eventually.

Bud3: Da li učestvuješ na još nekim takmičenjima?
RR: Pored drifta, takmičim se i u Gymkhana šampionatu, kao i na reli šampionatu, gde trenutno branim titulu koju sam prošle godine osvojila u ženskoj konkurenciji. Van trka se bavim prodajom delova i automobilske opreme. Ceo dan, svakog dana, okružena sam automobilima.
Bud3: Do you participate in some other competitions?
RR: Beside drift, I compete in Gymkhana Championship, and at rallies, where I am currently defending the title I won last year in the women’s competition. Also, I’m in the business of selling automotive parts and accessories. All day, every day I am surrounded by cars.

Bud3: Kvalifikacije uskoro počinju, nećemo te više daviti, ali za kraj nam reci za koji nadimak te ljudi vezuju?
RR: Većina mojih automobila je roze boje, tako da je logičan zaključak: Pinky
Bud3: Qualifying will start soon, so we won’t bother you anymore, just one last question- do you have any nickname by which people recognize you?
RR: Most of my cars are pink, so, the logical conclusion is: Pinky

Specification sheet:
BMW E30 (1983)

  • Engine: 4,4 V8, 286 hp (no modifications yet, but in future I wanna install a compressor for more power)
  • Exhaust: Custom made
  • Hand Brake: Wilwood
  • Suspension: Coilovers XYZ
  • Modification for more angle: Wisefab
  • Front Tyres: Semislick (Federal) 205 45 16
  • Back Tyres: 225 45 17
  • Interior: Sparco seats, roll-cage
  • Steringwheel: Momo Drifting
  • Exterior: Original for now, next week I will install a very nice body kit, very wide

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1 komentar

  • Ovaj car u plavoj majci, igra dzepni bilijar i intervjuise… XD